Northland roadtrip, part I.
After our arrival to New Zealand things went crazy. But it is the way we should live our lives, right? To the fullest.
We had to arrange an appointment at bank to set up new bank account, apply for tax number, new phone number and I felt like we were just waiting and "loosing time". Especially stressfull was shopping for the car. It is stressfull on both sides, whether you are a buyer or a seller, I believe. We went to two car fairs, see one car on our own, messaged plenty of people online, and after one week we were the owners of our white campervan Toyota Hiace. It may seem as a short period of time for such a purchase, but trust me, when you are unemployed, without car, summer's almost over, and you are stuck in the hot city center, you might get a bit impatient. But looking backwards, it was not as bad as it might have seemed. The most stressfull was probably setting up insurance by phone, but that was only our own mistake since we have missed the opening hours at the branch and really wanted to leave Auckland that day and didn't want to wait until the next day.
Our car seems to work perfectly until now, knock knock, and we got to explore a bit of Auckland surroundings, for example Rangitoto island, where we spend the day hiking our first new zealandish hike to the summit! In the meantime I was, of course,shopping a bit. The endless cheap shopping possibilities remind me of the States. I had some pretty good deals and packed our car with everything we couldn't carry from Europe with us, like a nice yoga matt, or painting supplies! I felt in heaven when visiting local art supplies shop. Almost as happy as I have been when I saw all the vegan options available at grocery stores here.
We left Auckland around 10 days after our arrival, and headed up north. We told ourselves, if we will not head up for Northland now from Auckland, we will probably not return there at all.
First days we were getting along with the van life, to be honest. From living at such a tiny space with all of our belongings, camping stuff and two big backpacks, to sleeping on such a thin matrace and being limited by daylight basically (we have pleased ourselves with a solar lamp couple of days ago).
First night we made that mistake, that we turn on all the fairly lights and left all the doors open while sitting outside. Big big beginners mistake. For the next hour inside we were just killing mosquitoes and complaining about how stupid we were. But... that's how instagram pictures the van life,right? A lot of fairly lights and legs out of door while watching the sunset. One big lie. (Or these people really love mosquitoes.)
After few days, when things got their own places, and when we threw away couple of unnecessities, we started loving the van life. It gives you such a freedom. I personally love the tiny space. I love how little we have, in fact I sometimes feel like we are carrying way to much anyway. I love the noise of the kettle first thing in the morning and the taste of our hot coffee. It tasted somehow better when being served out in the wilderness. We learned to transfer our daytime couch into bed in just a few minutes, as well as prepare the car for next journey after the night - you must attach or pack everything so that things don't fly through while you drive. Every few days you must fill in fresh water and dispose the dirty one. It is all just a habit and after few days you do everything automatically.
We have spend around 10 days on the North. We were impressed by the stunning nature, it seemed there is something to see everywhere according to the road atlas we got from our friends, with whom we spent couple of days in Auckland and who gave us the best advices (and helped a lot with the car purchase as well, thank you once again Petr and Monca!).
So, in the Waipoua forest, we learned a lot about the Kauri trees, which are the new zealandish biggest trees used to build boats in the history, and spend the day basically in the jungle without mobile signal. We were wandering at those huge beaches on the West coast, especially Ninety Mile Beach and the Giant Sand Dunes on top of it, where we tried sandboarding. We hiked the very last 2 km of Te Araroa trail near Cape Reinga, just to get to a beautiful beach, where we were completely alone. There were also great little hot springs somewhere in the middle of Northland, where we had a great time, while trying different pools of different colours of water and mud and temperature - all that for 4$! On top of all this we had a great roadtrip with all the coffees on gas stations, silly pictures and a lot of music. Great battery recharge after Auckland.
Northland is a perfect escape for the aloners. You don't meet a lot of people and everything you see is a beautiful countryside. People were also super kind. One night we slept at locally owned campsite at a family's, that is visiting my hometown in a month.. I mean, what a coinsidence! So we exchanged some tips and I could cuddle their dogs in the meantime. In other camp near Whangarei, we met a local retired guy, with which we had a great talk for couple of hours while waiting in the communal kitchen for the rain to pass, covering everything from our families, to rugby and the politics.
So after 10 great rewind days we moved from Northland to Bay of Plenty, where we are right now, the third day, searching for a job. The summer will be ending soon, so I think it is time for some hiking in the nearby mountains, before it becomes too cold, and before the work starts.......
Po nasem prijezdu na Zeland veci nabraly na obratkach. Ale asi je to dobre, prece jen zivot by se mel zit naplno, nebo ne?
Museli jsme si sjednat schuzku v bance, kvuli zalozeni uctu, zazadat o novozelandske danove cislo, zaridit nove telefonni cislo... melo jsem pocit, ze porad na neco jen cekame a ze "ztracime cas". Nejnamahavejsi byl rozhodne nakup auta. Je to stresove jak pro prodejce, tak pro toho, kdo nakupuje - auto kupujete z druhe ruky (nebo spis z desate), a musite zvazit a dat si pozor na spoustu veci, abyste penize nevyhodili jen takz okna za sunku, co se vam za par set kilometru rozsype. My jsme osobne navstivili 2 car fairy, jedno auto jeste bokem mimo fairy, vlezli jsme do nekolika motoru a napsali desitkam lidem na internetu zpravy. Meli jsme v podstate dost stesti, protoze uz po tydnu hledani jsme byli vlastniky svoji bile Toyoty Hiace. Mozna se Vam tyden bude zdat jako hodne kratka doba na nakup auta, ale verte mi, ze v momente, kdy jste nezamestnani, bez auta, a leto se kazdyn dnem krati, se vam to bude zdat jako vecnost. Kdyz se tak ohlednu zpatky, nebylo to vubec tak zly, jak mi to ten prvni tyden vse pripadalo, meli jsme vicemene fakt stesti. Hodne nam pomohli kamaradi Petr s Moncou, s kterymi jsme v Aucklandu stravili par fajn dni, behem kterych nam predali sve zelandske working holiday zkusenosti, a odfrceli pak do Asie.
Uplne nejhorsi ale zarucene bylo sjednavani pojistky na auto pres telefon. Byla to tak trochu nase vlastni chyba, ze to tak dopadlo, protoze jsme prosvihli oteviraci dobu na pobocce, a nechteli jsme uz v Aucklandu cekat do dalsiho dne, kdyz jsme uz konecne meli auto (s nepojistenym jsme ale rozhodne nikam jezdit nechteli, zvlast kdyz prvni jizdou bylo vymotani se z pomerne centralni casti Aucklandu okolo 6. vecer).
Auto zatim jezdi perfektne, musim zaklepat, a jsem rada, ze jsme na nej meli takove stesti. V mezicase jsme alespon trochu prozkoumali Auckland, vyjeli jsme treba na ostrov Rangitoto, kde jsme podnikli nas prvni novozelandsky hike! Taky jsem, bohuzel i bohudik, trochu nakupovala - hlavne veci, ktere jsme z Evropy nemohli prevezt, jako treba jogamatka nebo potreby na malovani. Byla jsem uplne v sedmem nebi, kdyz jsem videla tu nabidku malirskych potreb v mistnim obchode! Skoro zrovna tak, jako kdyz jsem v potravinach videla, kolik je tu k prodeji veganskych alternativ.
Priblizne 10 dni po nasem prijezdu na Zeland jsme tedy vyrazili na sever. Rikali jsme si, ze pokud tam nepojedeme ted, kdyz jsme uz v Aucklandu, tak uz nikdy.
Abych byla uprimna, prvni dny jsme se pomerne horko tezko szivali se zivotem v dodavce. Od toho, na jak malem prostoru musime zit se vsemi nasimi vecmi, vecmi na kempovani a dvema obrimi krosnami, po spani na hodne tenke matraci a toho, ze jsme v podstate se vsemi aktivitami limitivani dennim svetlem (pred par dny uz jsme si teda poridili solarni lampicku).
Prvni noc jsme udelali primo zacatecnickou chybu, kdyz jsme si ve vanu rozsvitili vsechna svetylka a nechali otevrene dvere, a mezitim v klidecku sedeli venku pred autem. Cca hodinu jsme pak uvnitr stravili zabijenim komaru, a nadavali jsme si, jak muzeme byt tak blbi.. Vsude na instagramu vidite takove ty fotku rozsvicenych svetylek, nohou ven ze dveri, samozrejme pri zapadu slunce, ale je to vsechno jedna velka lez.. (nebo maji ti lide opravdu radi spani s komary!) My si dvere vecer tedy radeji zavirame.
Po par dnech jsme se s vanem ale szili, kazda vec ma uz svoje misto, a vse prebytecne jsme vyhodili. Je znat fakt kazda zbytecnost navic. Jinak se mi libi, jakou svobodu nam zivot ve vanu dava a uzivam si i ziti na tak malem prostoru. Libi se mi, jak malo veci ted vlastnime, i kdyz mi casto prijde ze s sebou strjne jeste tahame spoustu zbytecnosti navic. Miluju piskot nasi konvice, jako prvni ranni zvuk, a chut horke kavy. V prirode chutna proste nejak lip. Naucili jsme se, jak pretransformovat nas denni gauc na postel behem par minut, zrovna tak jak pripravit auto rychle na cestu - vse se musi zabalit nebo pripevnit, aby vam pri ceste vzadu nic nelitalo. Kazdych par dni je pak treba nacepovat cistou vodu a zbavit se te spinave. Vse je to o zvyku a po par dnech uz vse delate automaticky.
Na severu jsme tedy stravili priblizne 10 dni. Podle naseho atlasu, ktery jsme zdedili od Monci s Petrem, bylo vsude neco zajimaveho k videni. Ve Waipoua forest jsme stravili den v dzungli bez signalu, obdivovanim nejvetsich novozelandskych stromu kauri, ktere se v minulosti pouzivaly ke stavbe lodi. Nekolik dni jsme se potloukali po krasnych a obrovskych plazich zapadniho pobrezi, hlavne po Ninety Mile Beach a na jejim nejvrchnejsim konci, na Velke dune, jsme si vyzkouseli sandboarding. Prosli jsme se po poslednich 2 km treku Te Araroa, abychom dosli na plazicku, kde jsme pak byli uplne sami. Nekde uprostred Northlandu jsme narazili na termalni prameny, kde jsme jen za 4$ na osobu mohli vyzkouset bazenky ruznych barev a teplot. Byl to super roadtrip, behem ktereho samozrejme nechybely kaficka na pumpach, spousta hudby v aute a spousta fotek. Po Aucklandu idealni unik do prirody.
Sever je jako delany pro samotare. Lidi moc nepotkate, zato je vsude krasna priroda k obdivovani. Narazili jsme na spoustu moc milych lidi. Jednu noc jsme spali v takovem rodinnem kempu u rodiny, ktera zanedlouho pojede na navstevu do Plzne, meho rodneho mesta. Takova nahoda! Jednou jsme se, zase nekde jinde, zas zakecali s mistnim panem v duchodu v kempu ve spolecne kuchynce, kde jsme se vsichni schovavali pred obrim slejvakem, a probrali jsme u toho vsechno od nasich rodin, po rugby a politiku.
Roadtrip nam uz skoncil a pote jsme se prozatim presunuli do Bay of Plenty, kde si ted hledame praci a krapet jeste premyslime nad zdolanim nejakeho vetsiho hiku v okoli, dokud je jeste leto a teplo, a hlavne dokud jeste nepracujeme....