27. ledna 2019


* 26. 1. 2019 *


The journey begins at the airport. Yesterday I packed my life into one backpack. The only thing stressing me out is that I have only two pair of shoes for a year of living. Am I ready to start a minimal life? I hope this lifestyle will simplify my life and calm my mind.

I sew few flags on the backpack the night before. The first one, my homecountry. The second one, the homecountry of my love. The third one, our main destination.

Cannot believe the journey is really beginning...



Kazda daleka cesta vetsinou zacina na letisti. Vcera jsem sbalila svuj zivot do jedne krosny, k memu prekvapeni na letisti vazila pouhych 14.6 kg. Jedina vec, ktera me trochu stresuje, je fakt, ze jsem ted vlastnikem pouhych dvou paru bot na cely rok. Jsem vazne pripravena zacit zit minimalisticky? Doufam, ze mi to zjednodusi zivot a zklidni mysl.

Vcera v noci jsem jeste na batoh nasila alespon tri vlajecky. Svoji rodnou zemi, rodnou zemi me lasky, a nasi cilovou destinaci.

Nemuzu uverit, ze uz je to vazne tady, a jsme vazne na ceste...